Iron Man Devices, NASA Inventions, and Arduino Connect Four


Maker Message Monday!

Here is your weekly dose of “Maker Message Monday”, a list of what we are enjoying or pondering as Makers!


Random Shower Thoughts

Ever wonder how underwater cables are laid?




Videos We Are Watching

New Devises Morph And Transform Like In Iron Man’s Suit

BYU researchers unfold new class of mechanical devices. It took just over 10 years but real science has finally caught up to the science fiction of Iron Man’s transforming exoskeleton suit.

This type of device could be useful in health care, space exploration, deployable drones, and more!






Maker Message Monday




Articles We Are Reading

5 Green NASA Inventions

NASA is responsible for a lot of innovations in our society. Name any industry and you can probably track back the technology to something NASA has contributed.



Here are 5 Green inventions that you can thank NASA for!

  1. Pushes In Solar Power
  2. Enhancements In Insulation
  3. Improvements In Water Filtration
  4. Successes In Soil Remediation
  5. Advances In Substrates


Read the full article by How Stuff Works here.


Projects We Are Enjoying

Create A Connect 4 Game Using An Arduino

“Rather than just giving an off-the-shelf toy gift, I wanted to give my nephews a unique gift that they could put together and (hopefully) enjoy. While the Arduino code for this project may be too difficult for them to understand, the basic concepts of input, output, loops, and conditions used in this code could be explained visually as they play the game of Connect 4.

In this Instructable, I will show you how to put together an Arduino kit that you can assemble and code with your kids to play Connect 4. No soldering is required for this project; just plug and play.”

See the full Instructable by botdemy here.



Podcasts We Are Listening To

Flatus Ex Machina, Part 1

Why is it so hilarious when robots and artificial intelligence fail?

What does it reveal about comedy itself and our technological anxiety?

Listen to the full podcast by “Stuff To Blow Your Mind”.



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